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We will launch the new official website for services on October 27, 2024 (Sunday).
The old version can still be accessed at and will be deactivated on May 31, 2025.
30th Anniversary Celebration: Taipei Exchange Launches New Official Website

Obligations for Companies Applying for GISA Registering

Receiving public integrative counseling prior to and after registering

Applying companies should receive TPEx’s public integrative counseling prior to and after being registered on GISA.

Information disclosures are required after GISA registering

  1. Annual filings:
    1. A business report, annual financial statement, and the surplus earning distribution or loss off-setting proposals submitted for recognition. General shareholders meeting must be convened within 6 months after the end of last year.
    2. Shareholders meeting minutes, input within 20 days after the shareholders meeting.
    3. Shareholders meeting and dividend distribution for the current year.
    4. The annual financial statements may include simply a condensed balance sheet and condensed statement of comprehensive income, and a company with paid-in capital of less than NT$30 million may input these using the data from its preliminary unaudited financial statement; a company with paid-in capital of NT$30 million or more shall use the data from its financial statement that has been audited and attested by a CPA.
  2. Quarterly filings:raised capital utilization reports.
  3. Occasional filings:material information disclosures: (please refer to Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules Article 7)
    1. The dishonoring of negotiable instruments due to insufficient deposit, the refusal to transact by banking services, or other events that result in the loss of good credit standing.
    2. Litigation, non-litigious proceeding, administrative disposition, administrative dispute, security procedure, or compulsory execution, which has had a significant impact on the financial status or business of the company.
    3. Serious drop in the output, complete or partial suspension of work, lease of the company factory or its main facilities, or complete or partial pledge of the material assets which has had a significant impact on the company business.
    4. Any event specified under Article 185, paragraph 1 of the Company Act.
    5. Change in the chairman of the board or general manager.
    6. Material Execution, amendment, termination, and rescindment of the cooperative business plans, or important contracts, which have a major effect on the finances or business of the company.
    7. Board of directors had resolution about issuing new shares and capital increase reference date, or material change for above-mentioned items.
    8. Board of directors had resolution about applying to competent authorities for retroactive handling of public offering procedures.
    9. Board of directors had resolution about applying termination of registration on GISA.
    10. Extraordinary items’ explanation, improvement plan, and the improvement status disclosures required by Article 17, paragraph 5 or Article 26, paragraph 2 of GISA rules.
    11. Suspension GISA capital raising functions or termination of registration on GISA according to Article 26 or 27 of GISA rules.
    12. Occurrence of a disaster, group protest, strike, environmental pollution event, or any other material event, with a material effect on the finances or business of the company
    13. Any other circumstances with a material effect on shareholder equity.