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Taipei Exchange

We will launch the new official website for services on October 27, 2024 (Sunday).
The old version can still be accessed at and will be deactivated on May 31, 2025.
30th Anniversary Celebration: Taipei Exchange Launches New Official Website

Adjusting Margin Requirements

Code Name Adjusted date Resumed date Reason
Excessively intense share price volatility Excessively irregular trade volume Excessively
concentrated equity
Two or more times
Resolution by the
Surveillance Operations
Oversight Committee
five consecutive
business days
six out of the last
ten business days
five consecutive
business days
six out of the last
ten business days
  1. TPEx will reduce the margin purchase leverage ratio by 10% and raise the short sale margin by 10% in the events of excessively intense share price volatility, excessively irregular trade volume, or excessively concentrated equity. Whether the above occurs contemporaneously or successively, the margin purchase leverage ratio will be reduced by 10% and the short sale margin raised by 10% only, upon such occurrence.
  2. During the two or more times dispositions period, TPEx may reduce the margin purchase ratio to zero and raise the margin percentage for short sale by 10%.
  3. The Surveillance Operations Oversight Committee of the TPEx may resolve to change the margin purchase leverage ratio or raise the short sale margin.
  4. If the above occurs contemporaneously, the relevant margin percentage for short sale may be further raised while the margin purchase ratio remains zero.
  5. The current margin purchase leverage and the short sale margin of each security can be inquired on our website: Margin balance.
  6. The table includes suspended trading securities.