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Taipei Exchange

We will launch the new official website for services on October 27, 2024 (Sunday).
The old version can still be accessed at and will be deactivated on May 31, 2025.
30th Anniversary Celebration: Taipei Exchange Launches New Official Website

Market Announcement

Due to early redemption, IntelliEPI Inc. (Cayman) 2nd Unsecured Convertible Bond (Code: 49712) will be terminated and delisted on the TPEx from April 22, 2025.

Date: 2025/03/11

Pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 3 of "Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Securities Trading on the TPEx" and the announcement of convertible bond is terminated and delisted due to redemption or upon maturity on the website of Market Observation Post System filed by IntelliEPI Inc. (Cayman) on March 10, 2025.