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Taipei Exchange

We will launch the new official website for services on October 27, 2024 (Sunday).
The old version can still be accessed at and will be deactivated on May 31, 2025.
30th Anniversary Celebration: Taipei Exchange Launches New Official Website
Fund Characteristics Trading Information Portfolio Composition File Index and Links

Fund Characteristics
Name of ETF UPAMC Bloomberg MSCI ESG Tilted15Yr Plus USD BBB Senior Corporate Bond ETF
Fund Type Bond ETF
Underlying Index Bloomberg MSCI Global Agg DM Corp USD BBB Sr 15Yr+ Custom Sustainability Momentum Tilted Capped Index
Securities Code 00966B
Listing Taipei Exchange
Regulator Securities and Futures Bureau
Issuer/Manager Uni-President Asset Management Corporation
Technical Advisor None
Custodian Taiwan Cooperative Bank
Management Style Passive
Investment objective Closely track the performance of Bloomberg MSCI Global Agg DM
Corp USD BBB Sr 15Yr+ Custom Sustainability Momentum Tilted
Capped Index
Issue of Units Scripless, units held in the Depository and not available for withdrawal in physical form
Depository Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation
Maximum subscription size None
Net Asset Value (NAV) Net asset value will be calculated based on the market value of the assets of the Fund after income and expenses accrual. It will be announced before 9:00 am on the next business day for each dealing day.
Total Expense Ratio (TER) TER includes Management fee, Custodian fee, index license fee, etc. Such expenses will be accrued daily and subtracted from the NAV. TER is approximately 0.14%~0.5%.
Voting rights The Manager will act in the unitholders' interest and exercise voting rights for the shares held in the Fund.
Annual report The Manager will prepare annual report within 2 months after the end of each accounting year. The annual report will be signed by the Manager and the Custodian and certified by the accountants.
Distribution Monthly
Trading in the Secondary Market
Buy/sell Through any licensed securities broker
Account Opening Need to open a securities trading account with a brokerage house
Commission Same as for ordinary stocks
Board lot 1,000 units
Trading time Trading hours of Taipei Exchange: 9:00 – 13:30
Tax None
Bid/ask spread NTD 0.01 if the price of the unit is less than NTD 50,
NTD 0.05 if the price of the unit is above NTD 50
Limit up and down No limits
TPEX Information Disclosure
  • Estimated NAV per unit every 15 seconds
  • Trading price of UPAMC Bloomberg MSCI ESG Tilted15Yr Plus USD BBB Senior Corporate Bond ETF and the 5 best bid/ask prices and volumes
Margin Trading
  • Available on listing
  • Short selling under margin trading is exempted from the tick rule(which requires short sales to take place at no lower than the previous day's closing price)
  • Investors should check with his/her broker to see if there is any quota available before executing short-selling
Creation and Redemption in the Primary Market
Creation and redemption Cash creation/redemption
Portfolio Composition File (PCF) Details of index baskets for creation and redemption will be disclosed through the fund issuer's website to all market participants
Order input time 9:00 – 14:00 on each dealing day
Tax No tax is levied on creation or redemption
Creation Unit / Redemption Unit 500,000 units
Placement of creation and redemption orders Must be through participating dealers
Issue Price / Redemption Price Actual acquired price per unit on the day of creation or redemption
Creation consideration / Redemption consideration The Total Amount of Cash Creation= Cash Creation Amount+
Subscription Fee+ Cash Creation Transaction Fee
The Total Amount of Cash Redemption= Cash Redemption Amount-
Redemption Fee-Cash Redemption Transaction Fee
Types of creation Cash creation
Types of redemption Cash redemption
Creation and redemption fee Varies by participating dealers but subject to the limit
  • Creation fee cannot exceed 1% of the creation consideration
  • Redemption fee cannot exceed 1% of the redemption consideration
The ETF product information is provided by its issuer. Given the changing nature of regulations or prospectus contents, there may be delays, inaccuracies or omissions in the information. Please refer to the latest version of the ETF prospectus.