Securities firms reward program 2024
- Objectives
Encourage securities firms to actively promote the TPEx-listed ETN.
Increase the trading volume of the TPEx-listed ETN products.
Expand fund scale of the TPEx-listed ETN.
- Details
For broker branch: Winner Trophy
For broker salespersons:
First prize – NTD$50,000
Second prize - NTD$30,000
Third prize - NTD$20,000
- Top three securities broker branches with the highest total TPEx-listed ETN cumulative trading amount can win the trophy.
- For the salespersons of top three securities broker branches, up to three salespersons can share the prize. (Winner list will be provided by the securities firm.)
- From JAN 2,2024 to JUN 28, 2024.
- From JUL 1,2024 to DEC 31, 2024.
- Due to the program is only eligible to domestic securities firms, please refer to the Chinese website for further information. Link
- TPEx reserves the right to revise the method of this reward program at any time.